A very short R-script to build a spam bot: library ( twitteR ) ckey <- "1234mykey" csecret <- "1234mysecret" atoken <- "45678mytoken" asecret <- "56789othersecret" setup_twitter_oauth ( ckey , csecret , atoken , asecret ) LISTTopic <- twListToDF ( searchTwitter ( '#BigData' , n= 10 ) ) View ( LISTTopic ) LISTNames <- unique ( LISTTopic$screenName ) text.examples <- c ( "I am a bot, but I appreciate your work!" , "Data is the new bacon!" , "There are only 10 kinds of people: Those understanding binary code and others." , "Data is like people – interrogate it hard enough and it will tell you what you want to hear." , "Data that is loved tends to survive." ) for ( i in 1 : length ( LISTNames ) ) { message.text <- paste0 ( "Hi @" , LISTNames [ i ] , ...