Singapur will gegen "Online Falsehood" vorgehen Das Parlament in Singapur hat eine Kommission (Select Committee) eingerichtet, um über Maßnahmen gegen Fakenews zu beraten. Morteza Shahrezaye und ich haben dazu eine Stellungnahme abgegenen. Dealing with online falsehoods in the digital age: Experiences from Germany Authors This written representation is authored by Prof. Dr. Simon Hegelich and Morteza Shahrezaye. Simon Hegelich is professor for political data science at the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich. Morteza Shahrezaye is working as researcher at the professorship for political data science. The philosophical foundation of the public discourse and why it matters Today we are witnessing a disruptive change of the public sphere, caused by fundamental changes in the technical infrastructure of communication. The political discourse in democracies is conceptionally separated in a private sphere and a public sphere. In the ...