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Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2016 angezeigt.

The Myth of a #DataGeneratingProcess: #Pragmatism and #MachineLearning

At the symposium for Klaus Schubert I presented some ideas on pragmatism and machine learning. Here are the slides: And here come the R-codes: # Truth is that which works. # If it works, it works. library ( randomForest ) ## randomForest 4.6-12 ## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes. x <- rnorm ( 25 ) a <- 5 b <- 2 e <- rnorm ( 25 , 0 , 0.1 ) y <- a + b * x + e plot ( x , y , main = "Ideal Data Generating Process" ) fit <- lm ( y ~ x ) abline ( fit ) ind <- which ( x < quantile ( x ) [ 2 ] ) x [ ind ] <- x [ ind ] + rnorm ( length ( ind ) , 0 , 10 ) fit <- lm ( y ~ x ) plot ( x , y , ylim = c ( min ( c ( y , predict ( fit ) ) ) , max ( c ( y , predict ( fit ) ) ) ) , main = "Measurment Noise" ) abline ( fit ) points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = "red" ) fit2 <- randomForest ( y ~ x ) points ( x , predict ( fit2 ) , col = "green" , pch = 19...

Wahlkampf als #BotFight? Interview auf @breitband @DKultur

Hier könnt ihr das Interview von gestern im DeutschlandradioKultur zu Bots hören. http://breitband.deutschlandradiokultur.de/wahlkampf-als-bot-fight/