... but perhaps something more powerfull. Lately, I have been thinking about AI a lot. Right now, I am readig Hegel again, and I am trying to do it seriously (sorry guys, I do not know if this could be done in English...). What strikes me is this: There is no intelligence. Intelligence is a force ("Kraft") that is said to lead to different expressions ("Äußerung"). Think about a guy who plays chess on a grandmaster's level and is able to solve any mathematical equation with ease. He is very intelligent, isn't he? The problem is that we do not know anything about the force exept for the expressions. We can not find intelligence in anyone without him expressing something we declare to be intelligent. Therefore, the expression and the force cannot be differentiated in reality. Someone does something we label intelligent and therefore we say that the mystique force of intelligence is somewhere in him or her. Hegel tells us that this is a wrong judgement: T...